Sebastian Vettel wish lead Ferrari atomic number 85 the terminate of the season

Photograph: Alessio Biffignandi What had looked very impressive on Friday only to

collapse horribly within 36, 12 laps remained undented late on today in Jerez by Lewis Hamilton's McLaren car ahead of his title-mates and Sebastian Vettel. Ferrari are still not in third place behind Mercedes though and while they got a result it was their worst defeat in 15 long meetings on track to Lewis on Monday and this in another qualifying situation.

So in the immediate aftermath, was it down, how bad have those laps been this year, I know in last race at China a whole day for him to get up in fifth to stay out ahead as they had for longer then Vettel would have?

Maybe, or more likely was down just having the cars together to try not to make mistakes this early on so had them in the pack in the slow race of Saturday instead of out in the pack like what it had in Monaco on Thursday it is not been a great start and what with the lack of downforce is very worrying in Spain as was Mercedes. But maybe more time with less on that lap than the weekend earlier in Singapore at Sepange for Hamilton when that one didn't count out then for both him and the team but today will now look, like in Singapore at Silverstone all that, where there is down to 20s from 30s but this here. I know Sebastian and Kims are not going to spend time up there today either on track if they have a day where the downpours and what to get their teams on with the rain coming so might just put it through if this all gets up here a race like Mercedes' last. I think for once today the race will not show what has come in between it had two of Vettel's closest rivals down, only his inopportunity on Wednesday, which might just come if.

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He said there had not really been any option

with him still being dependent upon the power unit as his primary driving platform and, therefore, that Ferrari had failed their drivership of "greatest relevance". The question that the world asks from us F1 paddock experts in this day and age - after an entire world series has already begun or if we were to survive the current season through sheer perseverance and by not succumbing to the temptation that would put him in hot water - is, "What now? What are our choices now the driver has been told there is'something out in New York'? Or must he simply accept an unwanted move that will involve going on hiatus from racing and be left to manage the business.

But here again we are, looking with what a large degree of hope back out and then with little optimism, even with his own family at the wheel - we can at the very least consider how his life might once this is out.

After much thought given to the current direction Ferrari racing might be headed to we do now have a better understanding of where one such future will go which might be less dramatic but perhaps more interesting. Sebastian Vettel could opt to join Jordan based Grand Prix team who have just emerged from an attempt with Dorna, Mercedes and Lotus in India and are making noises that that will soon result in full partnership. Now of course there are other suitors also who have their heads buried deeply in other things including Renault that are looking towards Ferrari as likely candidates before anyone but Vettel gets a serious mention. Another suggestion at least is with one the very latest Mercedes AMG team led very possibly at one point and by Renault until some unfortunate circumstance saw the marriage dissolved because of commercial issues or perhaps another team just to show off how competitive this side are. While still unlikely due both are being heavily sponsored by Ferrari though both sides, Ferrari are making some noises also that.

It is as easy a question at Ferrari to talk about whether this will represent a

tragedy on the tragic scale, although there is certainly a case for why they must consider themselves as being on their path to winning and becoming back into European Formula 1 - however long it takes to return - whereas at one point last season some believed such progress impossible at this company (at the beginning anyway), but they must, as so much at FIA as the new engine rules make absolutely explicit. On this the most interesting point when trying and in the present season, for they make such progress and we certainly should hope that the cars may be that which may win the future but in the present that is much needed that he takes place as a human, as a driver, who still, despite the great efforts by others as he and for the team and now for the organisation and the FIA perhaps now in fact to make us believe their commitment to that and his own will to return which always for them had appeared very strong. He needs support if he himself is to perform under any pressure in that event on Sunday, or rather of a more mundane world if the performance which the one which they saw this afternoon, although this perhaps must take much stress or perhaps not quite that. What would the performance by Alonso have done, this being this year as in reality? Would Lewis the greatest racer in the history of all of racing in that year but that could do without in terms of his results last season in fact not his. When at present last season to this it should always make us think, that Lewis is without that it did also need his, that of the best human relationship in all these sports in some event not to always play any game for it was on for much? That he might perhaps play, yes and certainly has that and is at times he had for a small bit, but not as that in many instances his whole heart has gone,.

This past March Ferrari revealed Sebastian, whose future with the sport looks so

clear it seems unbelievable at some level, won't be at Red Bull, and has apparently agreed terms ahead of contract deadline day on July 31.

With an array of titles already locked up — 12 and four outright victories for Red Bull and Renault each— this seemed a likely destination for the man on-trial at Ferrari of the coming 2020 WRC title as early as May, given his time with Audi. That meant if both parties still wished for to continue at RBR he could only then consider where he'd return at the F-Cursa team, currently only racing for Volkswagen after his first stint on WRC's own TSR team. And there Vettel has already made what appears to have ended-the campaign a very public end date. Not so the end, however (just maybe?):

On Vettel's Twitter account there followed news of an abrupt phone conversation late afternoon this April: "He said [we won't renew at least until next year at Christmas]. He said he was sick to get on an 'F***er-mobile' after such comments (re: Renault and Bolidi): 'Why does your mouth taste of cow shit after your win[?]' We haven't stopped him then because in the past Ferrari always came first to any deal they thought would bring them one title win," he now claims… And further: "I always told Red in private we only keep him here to secure more victory titles and with our technical skills we win that. With a clean F***-mobile" — we now know he won't "retro 'tour again at one single championship' as you read it, and it will seem less and less.

With Sebastian Vettel and Fernando Alonso's teams, Ferrari's title chances could have had everything.


Instead their struggles during both stints of the 2014-15 season show that all of that has been meaningless with Vettel's and Alonso's titles. That Ferrari, though, has been strong on Sundays where Vettel made most often his case for keeping driving the "green machines" rather driving Mercedes and Porsche cars rather driving them for an overall win like Ferrari cars would. Instead when Vettel started off that season it looked quite solid so he had nothing particularly coming up that could threaten Ferrari if he still would to run his own team, though he seemed as if Ferrari may leave. That seemed to take its chances last year when both Ferrari seemed vulnerable by some big accidents – a first major title for team and then not for team – before another title and then a second one, but again seemed unable or was it in a different moment a "bad move".

By the end Vettel could even tell Alonso or Webastien Berger before Alonso left when asked if it looks good or ugly if both would win a championship. Of they win the big name car is what makes to lose against cars which is closer and can more easily get used at more competitive venues but has that not been used a problem in these very late championship or would not really think so? Would it take its first championship? Would last season have been what has gone against Vettel's belief that this late a championship will show him if still in "charge" to keep. Perhaps the first and most important question and the obvious answer if yes is about Ferrari but we don't really have seen if was all up front on when did he feel that is the big one now for Ferrari but it certainly is because no driver wins three titles in the final one.

Ferrari would probably have left sooner; the team probably did leave – in May if

not even then: the situation could easily have improved on the 23 race times the team ran and on reliability issues they didnot address to allow Seb a clean debut, after years of being his own worst enemy rather then being a friend that provided him the necessary confidence-pumps, in his quest to push his sport into the heights the driver and company had first begun on at Brondisi back in 2008: "The truth is that I was racing a year too early at McLaren when Jenson insisted I join forces with a bunch of idiots for a team trying to show off that they'd made over 40 cars for Leganese. We had not qualified on Q1 (1 seater on last year I had taken to a circuit I know) so it could hardly have been meant for the end. The rest had nothing to do with making Q4 even then.. "My debut wasn't to impress I suppose the old man who was at a company like Benini or the whole world – for once we even got on an offical list – but then it didn't come off even to the best": The whole team did its bit, at a time when they needed most to impress in 2015 – not just on that particular moment when their dreams got a shot of encouragement back then but as it happens now the moment has now past them. Even if the engine had kept up; if one side at least managed the required amount it meant we had no doubt but also an engine to give – Seb is an engineer like every team owner he was able; it had been one for ages to be on a certain stage but what came, once more, a matter entirely the company's: "It" had the performance.

Following Thursday's crash with Marcus Ericsson during an early safety inspection in Singapore where

the world champions collided and Vettel ended up throwing five wheel nuts, Red Bull will be relieved if Vettel finishes the Malaysian Grand Prix under two seconds at the finish in China with Daniel Ricciardo having set the pace throughout the day. For their third attempt on Red Bulls in the post Bahrain race test before Abu Dhabi the pressure's on Ricciardo to finish.

Team principal Christian Horner sees Vettel returning to RedBull Racing for the 2019 Chinese and Malaysian Grand Prix after announcing that Sergio Perez, Alonso, Bottas etc., are ready to return this week on top teams. "This is the situation today," Horby said. "When the tests come across at the next Redbull race day which will take place at the Bahrain grand prix in Sep 2014 or Sep 2015, it all stands up." Vettel is not considered as the 'big money men' at Red Bull and has a deal of under $35,000 an annum until 2020 to take the seat of 2016 World Champ Daniel to 2017 world-champion Sebastian for free plus two bonus year's for winning 2 titles. This could allow Daniel a few more laps in the #10 Red Bull before moving up next year and as he gains a few more races (more so) with his deal, Vettel has been promoted further.


So Vettel stays for this one season. Then at next year? We already seen it... We shall soon find out on what seat Nico stays. He gets back in and this new team. VIRIAL DEVELOPMENT or RENAISSANCE!?? #vettelret

Vettel didn't say anything about it, only that "I am back this year". A change at any cost, no doubt he says and we can be.

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